Funny Blox 应用

Runes - pocket advisor 1.5.1
Funny Blox
Runes - pocket advisor
36 Стратагем - гадание 1.0.3
Funny Blox
Тридцать шесть стратагем - древнекитайскийвоенный трактат. В более широком смысле, собрание неявныхстратегических приёмов и система непрямых тактических ходов,используемая для достижения скрытой цели, получения преимущества иперехвата инициативы.Это гадание создано в Древнем Китае и использовалось в военныхдействиях, в мирной жизни применялось реже.Стратагемность мышления относится к характерным особенностямкитайской цивилизации, является достижением её философской иполитической мысли. Важной особенностью стратагемы являетсяпросчитываемость ситуации, реакции объекта и результата, то естьмышление на несколько ходов вперёд.Стратагема (древнегреческое — военная хитрость) — некий алгоритмповедения, просчитанная последовательность действий, направленныхна достижение скрытой цели или решение какой-либо задачи собязательным учётом психологии объекта, его положения, обстановки идругих особенностей ситуации. Это понятие существует в культуреКитая не менее трёх тысяч лет.Thirty-six stratagems -the ancient Chinese military treatise. In a broader sense, acollection of implicit strategic system of indirect techniques andtactical moves, used to achieve the hidden goals, take advantageand seize the initiative.This divination created in ancient China and has been used inmilitary operations in civilian life rarely used.Stratagem thinking refers to the characteristic features of Chinesecivilization, it is an achievement of its philosophical andpolitical thought. An important feature is the stratagemproschityvaemost situation, the reaction of the object and theresult, that is, thinking several moves ahead.Stratagem (ancient Greek - stratagem) - the behavior of analgorithm, calculated sequence of actions aimed at achieving thehidden aim or any problems with the obligatory account of thepsychology of the object, its status, conditions and other featuresof the situation. This concept exists in the Chinese culture for atleast three thousand years.
Builder of tower 1.0
Funny Blox
In a small town decided to build a skyscraperhigh, and this task entrusted to you! Stacking block by block, tryto build the highest skyscraper. A arcade physics and dynamic musicwill make this an unforgettable experience.
Penguins of brain 1.0
Funny Blox
Aliens stole three small innocent penguins and ruthlessly modifiedtheir minds with alien technologies. So, what is going to happennow, after all kidnapped penguins have already been returned totheir native ice floe? I knew it, aliens are changing our reality,and our well-composed bodies are like fast food. Perhaps our bodiesare a product of ufo technologies too, aren't they?
KapiTooNia (preview) 1.0
Funny Blox
Funny and challenging runner. Choose one of three mysteriouscharacters and guide him to the end path.
Fox hunter 1.2.1
Funny Blox
On the field is hidden a few foxes. You need to find them for theleast possible number of moves. Open the cage, you'll see: - Fox,if it was hidden in the cell; - A number that indicates how manyfoxes is on the horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines passingthrough the cell. The game ends after the capture of all foxes.
Crawl Original 2.2
Funny Blox
Crawl Original is an original moving blocks puzzle. Each blockconsists of four parts. Each part has its own color and direction.Placed on the field the block falls into parts. They move in theirdirections until reaching an obstacle or a border. Match three ormore block parts of the same color to remove them. Crawl Originalfeatures: - Brand new take on lovely genre! - Infinite gameplay! -Funny music!
Crawl to edge 1.1.1
Funny Blox
Remove color blocks from the field and keep score as long aspossible. Swipe the color blocks to the corresponded edges.
Rabbit rush 1.0
Funny Blox
Игра была создана в рамкахмероприятияАстанинский Хакатон ( за 24 часа.Послезавершения мероприятия, игра не претерпела каких либоизменений, иосталась в оригинальном виде.
Crawl on field 1.2.1
Funny Blox
Crawl on field
Гороскоп. Ежедневный гороскоп 1.1.1
Funny Blox
Horoscope become your pocket advisor in every situation and onevery day.
Colored Pong 1.0.2
Funny Blox
Tap to control and don't collide with the wrong color. HIGHLYADDICTIVE!
Daily horoscope 1.0.2
Funny Blox
The horoscope will become your pocket adviser in any situationevery day.
Hops 1.0.1
Funny Blox
HOPS - Surprisingly though it might sound but squares may roll aswell!
Colored spinner 1.0.1
Funny Blox
Match the color to hit the circle, in this fun, addicting game.
Book of changes 1.6
Funny Blox
Canon of Changes
Back in USSR (Posters) 1.3.1
Funny Blox
Back in USSR (Posters)
MO - Тибетское гадание 1.3
Funny Blox
Tibetan divination according to the "Mo" system
Crawl on one 1.3
Funny Blox
Crawl on one
Таро - карманный советник 1.2
Funny Blox
Tarot - these are 7 types of fortune-telling, suitable for almostall occasions
Colored arrows 1.1.0
Funny Blox
Colored arrows is an exciting puzzle game that will help youpassthe time!